ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jacques Dupuis (Jesuit)

Jacques Dupuis was a man who believed in God and wanted to help people understand how to have a relationship with God. He was part of a group called the Jesuits, who are like special teachers who study a lot and help others learn about God.

Jacques Dupuis wrote many books and talked a lot about how God is not just for one group of people or one religion. He believed that God wants to be friends with everyone, no matter what they believe or where they come from.

Jacques Dupuis also said that we can learn about God from other religions, not just our own. This means that if we study other religions and learn about their beliefs, we can understand God better.

While some people did not like what Jacques Dupuis said and thought it was not true, many people thought he was a smart and kind person who helped them feel closer to God.