ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

James Lind

Okay kiddo, have you heard of James Lind? He was a very smart man who helped sailors who were getting sick when they went to sea a long time ago.

Back then, when sailors would go on long voyages, they would often get something called scurvy. Scurvy is a sickness that happens when you don't get enough vitamin C. Vitamin C helps keep you healthy and it's found in things like oranges and lemons.

James Lind wanted to help these sick sailors, so he ran a very cool experiment. He took 12 sailors who had scurvy and put them into groups. Each group drank or ate something different. One group had two oranges and one lemon each day, another group drank vinegar, and so on.

After a while, the group that had the oranges and lemons got much better! This was really important because it showed that scurvy happens when you don’t get enough vitamin C and that eating fruits with vitamin C in them can help cure it.

James Lind was a very smart man who helped lots of people, and his experiment was very important because it helped people understand how to treat scurvy.