ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

James Thomson (calico printer)

James Thomson was a man a long, long time ago who had a really cool job. His job was to make pretty clothes by coloring them with different colors. He was called a "calico printer."

Long ago, people didn't have the fancy machines we have today that can make many colors on the same piece of cloth. So James would have to make each color by hand. He would mix different things together to make different colors, like mixing yellow and blue to make green.

One thing that made James really special was that he made a new color that no one had ever seen before! It was a beautiful shade of blue, and people loved it so much that they called it "Thomson's blue." James must have been really proud of himself for making something so special.

So now, when you see pretty clothes with different colors, you can think of James Thomson, the calico printer who worked really hard to make them look beautiful!