ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jamie Zawinski

Jamie Zawinski, also known as jwz, is a person who does cool computer stuff. He knows how to write computer programs and he has made a lot of them. Some of these programs are really popular and people use them all the time.

He started out working for a big computer company called Netscape, where he helped make a web browser called Mozilla. It's like a program that helps you look at the internet. But then he decided he wanted to do his own thing, so he opened up a nightclub and music venue called DNA Lounge in San Francisco.

DNA Lounge is a place where people go to listen to music, dance, and have fun. But Jamie also uses his computer skills to make the club even cooler. He has built special effects and lighting systems that are controlled by computers. He also made a robot that dances on the ceiling!

Overall, Jamie Zawinski is a really smart and creative person who uses his computer skills to do lots of different things.