ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Japanese Buddhist pantheon

Buddhism is a religion that began more than 2,500 years ago in India, and it spread to many countries around the world, including Japan. In Japan, Buddhism has been adopted as the main religion, and it has a unique set of beliefs and practices, including a pantheon of deities, which are known as the Japanese Buddhist pantheon.

The Japanese Buddhist pantheon is a group of many deities that are believed to help people in their daily lives with different aspects of their lives, such as love, health, and protection. These deities are also called kami, a term that means divine spirits, and they are worshipped by the Japanese people in many different ways.

In the Japanese Buddhist pantheon, there are many different types of deities, some of them are male and some are female. Each deity has its own unique qualities and powers, and they are often depicted in different forms, such as animals, humans, or combinations of both.

One of the most popular deities in the Japanese Buddhist pantheon is Amaterasu, the sun goddess. She is said to bring light and warmth to the world and to protect people from evil spirits. Another popular deity is Kannon, the goddess of mercy. She is believed to help people with their health problems and to help them gain prosperity in their lives.

In addition to these deities, there are also many other important figures in the Japanese Buddhist pantheon, such as the Buddha, who is the founder of Buddhism, and the Bodhisattvas, who are individuals who have achieved enlightenment but have chosen to remain in the world to help others do the same.

People in Japan often visit temples and shrines to pray to these deities and ask for their help in their daily lives. Some people also keep small statues of these deities in their homes or carry them with them as a way to keep them close and to seek their protection and guidance.

In conclusion, the Japanese Buddhist pantheon is a group of many deities that are worshipped by the Japanese people for their unique qualities and powers. These deities are believed to help people in their daily lives with different aspects of their lives, and they can be found in many forms, such as animals, humans, or combinations of both.