ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Japanese numerals

Japanese numerals are a set of numbers that are used in Japan. They look a bit different from the numbers we’re used to in the western world, but they work the same way.

In Japan, they use a combination of three kinds of symbols to show numbers. These are called “Arabic numerals” (十), Kanji (漢) and Hiragana (平).

Arabic numerals are the same numbers as we use (1, 2, 3 etc). Kanji are symbols that look like pictures and Hiragana are a type of letter.

For example, the number five in Japanese would be “五”. That’s a Kanji symbol for the number five with the Hiragana letter for “go” on the end. That way you can tell the difference between the number five (“go”) and the number six (“roku”).

So if you want to write the number five in Japanese, you’d write it like this: 五.