ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Japanese wedding

Ok kiddo, so a Japanese wedding is a really special day when two people who love each other a lot decide to become husband and wife. It's kind of like a big party where everyone gets dressed up in fancy clothes and celebrates the love between the bride and groom.

There are a lot of special traditions that happen during the wedding. For example, the bride and groom both wear special clothes called "kimono." These are beautiful, colorful robes that are made out of silk and are decorated with pretty flowers and other designs.

During the ceremony, the bride and groom often exchange special gifts called "san-san-kudo." These are small cups of sake, which is a traditional Japanese drink, and they symbolize the couple joining together as one.

After the ceremony, there is a big feast called a "reception." The newlyweds sit at a special table called the "head table," and their guests bring them gifts and say kind words to them. There is usually a lot of yummy food and fun music to dance to.

One really important thing about Japanese weddings is that the families play a big role in planning and celebrating the day. They want to make sure the wedding is perfect and that everyone has a really good time.

Overall, a Japanese wedding is a really special and happy day that celebrates the love between two people. It's full of beautiful traditions and lots of fun, and everyone is excited for the couple as they start their new life together.