ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jarabe Tapatío

Okay, imagine you are at a party and people are dancing together to some music. Now imagine that the music changes to a special kind of music from Mexico called "jarabe tapatío". It's a type of music that makes people dance in a special way with their partners.

But that's not all. "Jarabe tapatío" is also the name of the dance that goes with this special music. It's a very fun dance where two people hold hands and move around in a circle, kicking their feet and spinning around.

To make the "jarabe tapatío" dance even more special, people usually wear colorful dresses and embroidered shirts. The ladies might wear big hoops in their hair called "chinelos" and the men might wear wide-brimmed hats called "sombreros".

But wait, there's one more thing. "Jarabe tapatío" is also the name of a sweet syrup that is made from sugar and water. It is often served at parties and celebrations in Mexico, especially during the holiday known as Cinco de Mayo. The syrup is delicious and can be drizzled over desserts or mixed with water to make a refreshing drink.

So in summary, "jarabe tapatío" is a special kind of Mexican music and dance that people do at parties and celebrations. It is also the name of a sweet syrup made from sugar and water.