ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jarrah (surgeon)

Have you ever seen a tree? If yes, then you might know that it has trunks, branches, and leaves. And there are different types of trees that grow in different places with different sizes and colors of leaves. In Australia, there is one kind of tree called Jarrah tree, which is very special. It has a very strong and hard trunk, and its leaves are sharp and pointed.

Now, let's talk about surgeon. Have you ever been to a doctor when you are sick or have a problem with your body? A surgeon is also a kind of doctor who helps people by performing surgeries, which means they operate on the human body to fix an issue. They use special tools and equipment to do this. It's like fixing a toy with a screwdriver and pliers, only much more complicated and serious.

Back to the Jarrah tree, do you know what makes it so special? Its wood is very strong and hard, which means that it is a good material for making things that need to be tough and durable - like furniture and even instruments! Now, what does a surgeon have to do with a tree? Well, sometimes a surgeon needs a special platform to operate on called an operating table. These tables have to be strong and sturdy, so some people use the wood from the Jarrah tree to make them.

So, to sum it up, a Jarrah tree is a type of tree that grows in Australia, and it has very hard wood that people use to make things that need to be strong and durable, like operating tables used by surgeons who help people by performing surgeries to fix problems in their bodies.