ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jason Sorens

Okay kiddo, so let's talk about a guy named Jason Sorens. He's a grown-up who likes to study politics and how people make decisions. He's also interested in something called "libertarianism," which is a way of thinking that says people should be able to do whatever they want as long as they're not hurting anybody else.

Now, this guy Jason Sorens had an idea to start something called the Free State Project. This is where a bunch of people who believe in libertarianism would move to the same place and work together to make their ideas a reality. Kind of like a big club or a team.

So, Jason Sorens started looking for the perfect place for this project. He wanted a state that was already pretty libertarian-friendly, meaning they had a lot of laws and rules that allowed people to do what they wanted without the government interfering too much. After doing some research, he decided that New Hampshire in America would be the best place for the Free State Project.

He spread the word about this project and got a lot of people interested in moving to New Hampshire to be a part of it. They called themselves "Free Staters" and started moving to the state to work together to make their libertarian dreams come true.

Now, Jason Sorens is still studying politics and thinking about how people can work together to make big changes. And the Free State Project is still going strong in New Hampshire, where lots of people are living together and working towards their shared goals.