ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jean-Martin Fortier

Jean-Martin Fortier is a really cool farmer who knows how to grow plants and vegetables in a way that is good for the environment and for us. He has a special way of growing things called market gardening, which means he grows lots of different kinds of plants in a small space and sells them at farmers markets or to restaurants.

Market gardening is like having a big garden with lots of different plants growing together, but Jean-Martin is really good at planning it out so everything grows in the right place and gets enough sunlight and water. He also uses special techniques like crop rotation and planting companion plants to keep the soil healthy and prevent pests from harming the plants.

Because he grows so many different kinds of plants in a small space, Jean-Martin doesn't need big machines or chemicals to help him farm. He does everything by hand or with small tools, which is better for the environment because it doesn't create pollution or harm animals.

Jean-Martin is really passionate about his work as a farmer and he wants to teach other people how to grow their own food in a way that is good for the planet. He has written books and given talks to share his knowledge and inspire others to try market gardening too.