ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jefferson Bible

The Jefferson Bible is a book that was put together by Thomas Jefferson, a very important man in America a long time ago. The book is actually a bunch of different Bible stories, but it's unlike any other Bible you've seen before! That's because Thomas Jefferson thought some parts of the Bible didn't make sense or mattered less, so he decided to cut out parts he didn't like and only keep the parts he thought were the most important.

It's like if you had a big book with lots of pictures, but you didn't like some of the pictures because they were too scary, or they didn't make sense to you. So, you would cut out those pictures and keep only the pretty and fun ones. That's exactly what Thomas Jefferson did to create the Jefferson Bible.

So, the Jefferson Bible only has the sections of the Bible that Thomas Jefferson thought were the most meaningful or worth reading. It's still a Bible, but it's like a very special Bible that's been edited to only show the parts that Thomas Jefferson thought were the best.