ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jerome Bruner

Jerome Bruner was a very smart man who thought a lot about how people learn things. He believed that we learn by organizing information in our brains in certain ways. This helps us remember things better and make sense of new information.

Imagine you have a drawer with a bunch of toys and clothes in it. If you just threw everything in the drawer without any order, it would be hard to find what you're looking for. But if you put all the toys together in one section and all the clothes in another section, it would be much easier to find things.

Bruner believed that our brains work the same way. We organize information into categories and groups, which makes it easier for us to remember and understand things. He called this process "structure building."

Another thing that Bruner was interested in was how we learn from others. He believed that we learn best through social interaction and by exchanging ideas with other people. For example, if you're learning how to play a game, it's helpful to have someone show you how to do it first.

Overall, Jerome Bruner was a very important thinker in the world of education and psychology. He helped us understand how people learn and how we can make learning more effective and enjoyable.