ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jerome Kagan

Jerome Kagan is a very smart man who studies how people grow up and behave. He has spent many years learning about babies and children to help us understand how they become the adults they'll be someday.

Dr. Kagan thinks that people's behavior and emotions are influenced by two things: their biology (meaning the way their body works) and the environment they grow up in (meaning how they are raised and where they live).

He has found that babies are born with different temperaments - some are very active, while others are very quiet. This can eventually affect how they act and feel as they grow up.

Dr. Kagan also believes that our experiences, especially during early childhood, can shape the way we think, act, and feel for the rest of our lives. He thinks that parents and other caregivers have a big impact on how we turn out as adults.

Overall, Dr. Kagan has taught us a lot about how we become the people we are today. It's important to remember that even though we are born with certain traits, our environment and experiences can shape who we are and who we will become.