ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jesus, King of the Jews

Jesus is a very important person in the Christian religion. He was born a long, long time ago in a place called Bethlehem. People believed that he was sent by God to help them be good and do good things.

In his time, there were many kings who ruled different parts of the world, and the Jewish people had their own kings too. But some religious leaders saw that Jesus was teaching people things that they didn't agree with, so they asked the Roman ruler of the area to punish him.

The ruler, named Pontius Pilate, asked Jesus if he was really the king of the Jews. Jesus said that his kingdom was not of this world, which meant he was not a king in the way that Pilate understood it. But Pilate still ordered for Jesus to be killed, and he died on a cross.

Even though Jesus died a long time ago, people still remember him and follow his teachings today. They believe that he was a special messenger from God who came to guide people towards goodness and love.