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Jewish Defense League

The Jewish Defense League is an organization that was formed to protect Jewish people from harm. It was started by a man named Rabbi Meir Kahane who believed that Jewish people needed to be better protected, especially against anti-Semitism (when people hate Jews for no good reason). The JDL believed that Jews needed to be able to defend themselves, and they wanted to make sure that Jewish communities were strong and safe.

The JDL was formed in the 1960s, at a time when there were many violent attacks against Jewish people in various countries. The organization believed that the Jewish people needed to fight back against this violence, and they used a variety of tactics to do so. Some of these tactics included protests, rallies, and even acts of violence.

The JDL did not just work to protect Jewish people from violence, though. They also worked to promote Jewish culture and traditions, and they wanted to make sure that Jewish people were proud of their identity. They organized events and activities that celebrated Jewish heritage, and they worked to prevent assimilation (when people lose their culture and adopt a new one).

Overall, the Jewish Defense League was an organization that was formed to protect Jewish people from harm and to promote Jewish culture and traditions. While the organization sometimes used controversial tactics, they were driven by a desire to ensure the safety and well-being of the Jewish people.