ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jiangxi–Fujian Soviet

The Jiangxi-Fujian Soviet was like a special place where some people did things together. It happened in China a long time ago when some people wanted to change how things were run in the country. They wanted everyone to be treated equally and have the same rights.

So, they made a place called the Jiangxi-Fujian Soviet where they could live and work together. They had their own rules and leaders. They built houses, grew food and had their own businesses.

But, other people who didn't like their ideas, tried to stop them by attacking them with weapons. So, the people in the Jiangxi-Fujian Soviet had to fight back to protect themselves.

This went on for a while until the people who didn't like their ideas won and took over the place, but the ideas of fairness and equality were still important and inspired other people to fight for those rights too.