ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jihad al-nikah

Jihad al-nikah is a term that means "sexual jihad" or "sex for fighting." It refers to a belief held by some extremist groups that women can participate in jihad, or holy war, by providing sexual services to male fighters.

Now, it is important to understand that this is not a common or mainstream belief in Islam. In fact, it is a distorted and harmful interpretation of the religion.

The idea behind the so-called "sexual jihad" is that women can help fighters by relieving their sexual tension and providing them with comfort, so that they can focus on their mission. However, this is completely wrong and unacceptable. Women are not objects or tools to be used for anyone's pleasure or comfort.

Furthermore, jihad is not just about fighting in a physical sense. It is also about striving to be a better person and doing good deeds. It is about standing up for justice and speaking out against oppression. It is not about using women for sex.

In short, jihad al-nikah is a harmful and untrue belief that has no place in Islam or any other religion. Women should be respected and valued for who they are, not for what they can do for men.
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