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Jingu calendar

A Jingu calendar is a special kind of calendar that is used in Japan. It helps people keep track of important dates like festivals, holidays, and ceremonies.

The Jingu calendar is named after a very important shrine in Japan called the Ise Jingu. This is a very old and very sacred place for Japanese people. The Jingu calendar was first created many years ago to keep track of all the different events happening at the shrine. But over time, it became an important way for people all over Japan to keep track of important dates.

The Jingu calendar is different from the regular calendar that most people use. It is based on the cycle of the moon, which means that it has 12 months of either 29 or 30 days. This is different from the regular calendar, which has 12 months of different lengths.

One of the special things about the Jingu calendar is that it includes a lot of special days to mark different events. For example, there are days to celebrate the coming of spring, to honor the ancestors, and to celebrate the harvest. Most of these days are based on traditional Japanese beliefs and customs.

To use a Jingu calendar, you need to know a bit about how it works. Each day is marked with a special symbol that tells you what kind of day it is. Some days are marked with a circle, which means that it is an important day for a festival or ceremony. Other days are marked with a square, which means that it is a day for performing special rituals.

Overall, the Jingu calendar is an important part of Japanese culture and tradition. It helps people keep track of important dates and events and celebrates the rich heritage of the country. So if you want to learn more about Japan and its customs, the Jingu calendar is a great place to start!