ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Johann Reuchlin

Johann Reuchlin was a man who lived a long time ago in Germany. He was born in 1455 and died in 1522. He is remembered as a very smart person who studied a lot of different subjects. He loved books and spent a lot of time reading and writing.

One of the things that made Reuchlin special was that he learned a lot about languages. He knew how to speak and read many different ones, like Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. He even wrote a book about Hebrew called "De Rudimentis Hebraicis". This book helped other people learn the language too.

But Reuchlin did more than just learn languages. He also studied law, which is the set of rules that people follow to live in a society. He was a famous lawyer who helped people solve problems and get justice. He was so good at his job that people called him a "doctor of law".

Another thing that Reuchlin did was to help people understand the Bible. The Bible is a very important book for many people, and Reuchlin wanted to make sure that everyone could read and understand it. He wrote a book called "Augenspiegel" that helped explain the meaning of the Bible. He also argued that people should be able to study the Bible in their own language, not just in Latin.

Overall, Johann Reuchlin was a very important person who helped other people learn and understand things. He was a smart and curious person who studied many different subjects. He used his knowledge to help others and make the world a better place.