ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Johannes Brahms

Johannes Brahms was a very famous composer who lived a long time ago. He was very good at making beautiful music that people still love to listen to today. He was born in Germany and learned how to play the piano and the violin when he was very young. He was so good at playing music that he started writing his own pieces.

Brahms loved music so much that he would often sit at the piano for hours trying to come up with new melodies and harmonies. He would work very hard to make sure his music was perfect, just like how you might spend a long time coloring a picture to make it look just right.

Brahms wrote many different types of music, like symphonies, which are pieces that use a lot of instruments like the violin and the trumpet to create a big sound. He also wrote things called concertos, which are like symphonies but focus on just one instrument. Brahms especially loved writing music for the piano, which is a big instrument with black and white keys that you play with your fingers.

People loved Brahms's music so much that he became very famous and traveled all around Europe playing concerts. His music was so beautiful that it made people feel happy, sad, or even excited depending on what he was trying to express with his music. Today, people still listen to Brahms's music and love it just as much as they did when he was alive.