ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Johannes Schöner globe

Okay, so you know how the earth is a big round ball, right? Well, a long time ago, a man named Johannes Schöner wanted to make a smaller version of the earth that people could hold and look at easily. So, he made something called a "globe."

A globe is like a little model of the earth, but it's round and you can spin it around in your hands. It has a map of the world on it, and you can see all the countries and oceans and stuff.

Now, the Johannes Schöner globe is a special kind of globe because it's really old! It was made way back in the 1500s! That's even older than your parents, and maybe even older than your grandparents!

The Johannes Schöner globe is also special because it has some cool pictures on it. There are pictures of animals and people and even some planets in our solar system. This was really important at the time because people didn't know as much about the world and the universe as we do now. So, the globe helped people learn and explore new things.

Today, the Johannes Schöner globe is very valuable and is kept in a special museum where people can go see it and learn about its history. It's a really neat thing to see and imagine what the world was like when it was made so long ago.