ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

John 4

Sure can!

So, John is a book in the Bible, which is a really old book that tells stories about God and Jesus. In the fourth chapter of John, we learn about a lady who met Jesus at a well.

Now, a well is a place where people get water to drink and use for other things like washing. This lady was getting water from the well when Jesus asked her if she would give him a drink.

At first, the lady was a little surprised because Jesus was a Jewish man and she was a Samaritan woman. You see, in those days, Jewish people and Samaritans didn't usually talk to each other or mix together.

But Jesus didn't care about that. He talked to her and even knew things about her life that she didn't think he should know.

The lady was amazed and started to believe that Jesus was someone special. She said, "I know that the Messiah is coming," (the Messiah was a really important person who was expected to come and help God's people), "When he comes, he will explain everything to us."

Then Jesus said to her, "I am he."

The lady was so excited that she went and told everyone in her town about Jesus. They started to believe in him too because of what she said.

So, that's what happens in John chapter four. Jesus meets a lady at a well, talks with her, and she starts to believe in him and tells others about him too.