ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

John Lucas (philosopher)

John Lucas is like a really smart grown-up who thinks a lot about how we can know things for sure. He asks big questions like "How do we know anything at all?" and "Is there really such a thing as truth?" John Lucas believes that our minds are really important in finding out the answers to these questions, but he also thinks that our minds can't tell us everything we need to know. It's kind of like trying to figure out a puzzle, but you only have a few of the pieces, so you have to use your imagination to try and fill in the gaps. John Lucas thinks that we can use our imagination to help us find the missing puzzle pieces, but we have to be careful not to make things up or believe something just because we want it to be true. Overall, John Lucas is a very smart philosopher who thinks a lot about how we can know things for sure, and he believes that our minds are really important in this process.