ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

John Milton

John Milton was a very smart and famous man who lived a long time ago in England. He was born in 1608 and was a writer who wrote some very famous books, poems and essays.

One of his most famous works is a book called "Paradise Lost" which talks about a story from the Bible where Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden but were tempted by a sneaky snake to eat an apple from a forbidden tree.

Milton was also known for being really good at speaking and writing in different languages like Latin, French and Italian. He even went blind later in his life, but that didn't stop him from writing and creating amazing things.

People still enjoy reading and studying Milton's work today because it teaches us important lessons about temptation, morality, and how to live our lives. It just goes to show that even though he lived a long time ago, his ideas and stories can still be relevant and important to us now.