ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

John Peel's Record Box

Okay kiddo, there was a man named John Peel who liked to listen to and collect a lot of music. He had so much music that he couldn't keep it all in his head, so he made a special box to help him remember which records he had.

This box was special because it had little cards inside with information about each record like the artist, title, and year it was made. John Peel would put each record in the box and then write information about it on the card.

Now, whenever John Peel wanted to listen to a certain record, he could just look in the box and find the card for that record. That way, he would know exactly which record it was and where to find it in his collection.

The box became very famous because John Peel was a famous music lover and DJ. People were really interested in seeing what records he had in his collection and how he kept them organized.

Unfortunately, John Peel passed away a few years ago, but his record box is still around today and you can even see some of the cards with his handwriting on them. It's a special piece of music history that shows how much someone can love music and how they can find creative ways to organize their collections.