ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

John Taylor (pirate)

John Taylor was a man who lived a long time ago in the olden days. He wasn't a very nice man, because he was a pirate. Pirates were people who sailed on big ships and took things from other ships without asking. This is called stealing, and it's not very nice to do.

John Taylor and his pirate friends would go around on their ship and look for other ships to take things from. They would wear eye patches and have a big flag with a skull and crossbones on it. When they found a ship they liked, they would go on board and take all the things they wanted, like gold and treasure.

Nowadays, we know that being a pirate is not a good thing to do. It's important to be kind to people and not take things that don't belong to us. So, even though John Taylor was a famous pirate a long time ago, we shouldn't look up to him or think that being a pirate is a good thing to do.