ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Joint address (Canada)

When important people in Canada want to talk to everyone about important things, they get together and give a big speech. This is called a joint address. They usually do this in the big fancy building called Parliament, where they make important decisions for the whole country.

The people who give the joint address are usually the Prime Minister, who is like the top boss of Canada, and other important people like the Speaker of the House, who is in charge of making sure everyone speaks nicely and listens to each other.

During the joint address, the important people talk about things like new laws they want to make or changes they want to make to how things are done in Canada. They also talk about things they want to improve, like making sure everyone is treated equally and that everyone has a chance to be happy and healthy.

The joint address is like a big grown-up meeting where everyone works together to make sure Canada is a good place to live.