ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Joking Hazard

Okay, kiddo, so there's a game called Joking Hazard. It's a card game that you play with your friends or family. You know how sometimes you say or hear jokes that are a little bit silly or even kind of rude? Well, this game is all about those kinds of jokes!

Each card in the game has a picture on it that shows a funny or weird situation happening. Then, you all take turns picking other cards to add to the picture to make a joke. You have to use your imagination and sense of humor to come up with the funniest or weirdest joke you can think of.

But, you have to be careful – some of the jokes might be a little bit inappropriate or not suitable for all ages, so make sure you're only playing with people who won't get offended by those kinds of things. It's all in good fun though, and everyone is just trying to make each other laugh.

So, Joking Hazard is a card game that lets you practice your sense of humor by making up funny or weird jokes to go with silly pictures. Just remember to play with people who won't get upset by rude or inappropriate jokes, and you'll have a great time!