ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jonglei Canal

Okay kiddo, let's talk about something called Jonglei Canal! It's a big, long channel that people made to move water from one place to another in South Sudan. Imagine a giant straw that you can put into a cup of water and suck it out to move the water somewhere else.

So, a long time ago, people in South Sudan decided to make a Jonglei Canal to move water from one place to another. They thought it would be good for farming, to have more water for plants to grow. But the problem is, when they made the canal, it changed how the water flowed in the rivers and lakes around it.

This can actually cause problems for people who live near the rivers and lakes because they rely on the water for their homes and for their own farming. The canal can also make the land around it too salty for plants to grow, which can lead to even more problems.

So, some people think it's a good idea, and others do not. The Jonglei Canal is still there, but it's not always used because of the issues it can cause. It's important that we think carefully about how things we build can affect the environment and the people around us.