ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Joseph (son of Jacob)

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago in a faraway land, there was a man named Jacob. He had twelve sons, and Joseph was one of them.

Joseph was known to be a clever and smart boy, but his brothers were quite jealous of him because he was their father's favorite. They didn't like that their dad gave Joseph special treatment, like giving him a fancy coat that was different from all the others.

One day, Joseph had a dream where he saw himself ruling over his brothers, and he foolishly told them about it. This made his brothers even angrier and jealous of him.

So, they decided to sell him as a slave to some passing merchants who were heading to Egypt. In Egypt, Joseph was bought by a wealthy man named Potiphar, who was the captain of the guard.

Joseph worked hard for Potiphar and was trusted with many responsibilities because he was good at what he did. But Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph, and when he refused her advances, she falsely accused him of trying to assault her. Potiphar, believing his wife's lies, threw Joseph into prison.

In prison, Joseph interpreted the dreams of some fellow prisoners, and one of them was the king's cupbearer. Two years later, the Pharaoh had a dream that no one could interpret. The cupbearer remembered Joseph's ability to interpret dreams and told the Pharaoh about him.

Joseph was brought out of prison to interpret the dream, which he did successfully. The Pharaoh was so impressed that he made Joseph the second-in-command in all of Egypt. Joseph's interpretation of the dream revealed that there would be seven years of plenty, followed by seven years of famine.

Joseph prepared for the famine by collecting and storing food over the years of plenty, which helped him save the people of Egypt and surrounding countries from starving.

Eventually, when Joseph's brothers came to Egypt in search of food during the famine, they didn't recognize him. But Joseph knew who they were and, after some tests, revealed his identity to them. He forgave his brothers for what they had done, and they were all happily reunited.

And that's the story of Joseph, son of Jacob.