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Joseph Smith–Matthew

Joseph Smith-Matthew is a book that is part of a bigger book called the Pearl of Great Price. This book is a collection of sacred writings that are important to a religious group called the Latter-day Saints, also known as Mormons.

Now, in the Joseph Smith-Matthew book, there is a story about a man named Joseph Smith who lived a long time ago. He believed that God spoke to him and gave him important information to share with others. He was kind of like a messenger from God.

In this book, Joseph Smith shares a story that is similar to something that happened a long time ago in a different book called the Bible. The story is about Jesus Christ talking to his disciples and telling them about things that would happen in the future.

But in this Joseph Smith-Matthew book, there are also some new things added to the story. Joseph Smith talks about some extra details that were not in the original Bible story. He tells us more about the things that Jesus said and what they mean.

For example, in this book, it says that Jesus talked about wars and natural disasters that would happen before he comes back again. It also talks about how people need to be prepared and ready for his return, so they can have a happy and peaceful life.

So, by reading the Joseph Smith-Matthew book, people who believe in the teachings of Joseph Smith can learn more about what Jesus said and understand it better. It helps them to follow Jesus' teachings and be better people.

But remember, this book is not part of the Bible that many people already know. It is a special book for people who follow the teachings of Joseph Smith and believe that he had special messages from God.