ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Journal of the Philosophy of History

Do you know what a diary is, where you write down your thoughts and what happened to you during the day? Well, adults also have diaries, but instead of writing about their day, they write about things they think and know about. This kind of writing is called "journaling."

Journal of the Philosophy of History is a journal where people write about history in a smart and thoughtful way. They write about what happened in the past, how we think about the past, and why the past matters.

These people are called "philosophers," and they study history in a different way than historians. Philosophers think about the big questions; for example: how do we know what really happened in the past? Why do people in different parts of the world think differently about the same event? What are the implications of studying history for how we live today?

So, in summary, the Journal of the Philosophy of History is a magazine where smart people write about history in a thoughtful and philosophical way, asking big questions and trying to uncover what the past means for the present.