ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Joyous Entry

Have you ever had a really big party to celebrate something special? Well, Kings and Queens used to have big parties too when they traveled to a new city or country. That big party is called a Joyous Entry!

Imagine you are a King or a Queen, and you are traveling to a new city to visit your people. The people who live there are really excited to see you and want to show how much they like you. So, they plan a big party called a Joyous Entry to welcome you!

At the Joyous Entry, the people all dress up in their best clothes and line the streets. They hold up banners and flags to show how happy they are to see their King or Queen. Sometimes they even build special archways or decorations to make the streets look even more special for the party.

When the King or Queen arrives, often on a beautiful horse or a carriage, the people cheer and shout to welcome them. They might even throw flowers or candy! The King or Queen would often have a parade through the city so everyone could see them and wave to them.

After the parade, the King or Queen would give a speech to thank the people and promise to be a good ruler. Then, the party would start! There might be music, dancing, and feasting with lots of delicious food.

So, a Joyous Entry is a big party to welcome a King or Queen to a new city, where the people show how much they like them and celebrate with a parade and a big feast.