ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Judaism's view of Jesus

Okay, so imagine you have a best friend named Sarah. You and Sarah do everything together and she means a lot to you. Now imagine one day, someone comes along and claims that Sarah is actually a superhero with special powers who can save the world.

While that might sound exciting, it might also make you feel confused, because you know Sarah really well and you've never seen her do anything super-powered before.

In a similar way, Jesus is a person who some people believe was a very special, important figure in history. However, in Judaism, the religion that Jesus was born into, people don't believe that he was a superhero or anything like that.

To Jewish people, Jesus was just a human being, like you and me. Some Jewish people don't believe that he was the Messiah, which is a special leader that they believe will come and save the world.

While some people might believe that Jesus was a prophet (someone who receives messages from God), Jewish people don't generally believe that either.

So basically, Jewish people don't think that Jesus was a superhero or anything like that. They just think he was a regular human being who was born a long time ago.