ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jumping Frenchmen of Maine

The Jumping Frenchmen of Maine was a rare disorder that affected a small group of people who lived in Maine many years ago. What happened was that these people would suddenly and dramatically jump or flinch in response to certain sounds or movements.

For example, if someone said "jump!" or if they were suddenly surprised by something, they might involuntarily jump, scream, or even perform bizarre actions like slapping themselves or others.

Researchers think that this disorder was caused by a combination of genetic factors and environmental stressors. It was named "Jumping Frenchmen" because many of the people affected had French-Canadian ancestry, and the condition was first documented by French doctors in the late 1800s.

Although the disorder was very strange and sometimes seemed funny, it was also very distressing for the people who had it. They often felt helpless to control their sudden movements, and some individuals were even institutionalized because their condition was so severe. Fortunately, the disorder is extremely rare and has not been seen in any significant way since the early 1900s.