ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer

Okay kiddo, do you remember learning about planets? Well, Jupiter is one of the big planets in our solar system, and it has four special icy moons. Scientists want to send a spacecraft called the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) to go explore these moons!

Now, JUICE is a very special spacecraft because it's designed to study these icy moons in detail. These moons are Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, and Io. Scientists think that Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto have oceans below their icy surfaces! That means there could be life there, just like we have life on Earth!

JUICE will take almost 8 years to get to Jupiter and its icy moons. When it gets there, it will enter orbit around Jupiter and start exploring the moons. It will study their surfaces, their atmospheres, and even the oceans underneath!

JUICE has a lot of cool instruments to help it do all this exploring. It has cameras to take pictures, spectrometers to study the composition of the moons, and even a radar to look through the icy surface and see what's underneath!

The scientists hope that JUICE will teach us a lot about these icy moons, and maybe even help us find signs of life! So, even though JUICE won't be blasting off for a while, we can get excited knowing that one day we might learn a lot more about Jupiter and its icy moons thanks to this special spacecraft.