ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Jure matris

Jure matris means "by the right of the mother" in Latin. It is a legal term that refers to a situation where a child acquires citizenship or nationality of a country based on the nationality or citizenship of the mother, rather than the father.

In some countries, citizenship or nationality is only determined by the father's nationality, which means that if the father is a citizen of that country, his child will automatically be a citizen too. But in other countries, citizenship can also be granted based on the nationality of the mother.

Jure matris acknowledges the importance of motherhood in determining a child's nationality or citizenship, and ensures that a child is not solely dependent on the father's nationality or citizenship for their legal status. It protects the rights of children born to mothers who may be citizens of different countries, and provides them with a legal basis for citizenship or nationality in one or both countries.
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