ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Justice and the Market

Justice is like sharing toys with your friends. It means making sure everyone gets a fair chance and nobody is left out.

The market is like a big store where people buy and sell things they want or need. Just like when you trade your toys with your friends or family, people trade things they have and things they want in the market.

But sometimes, the market can be unfair, just like when someone takes all the toys and doesn't let anyone else play with them. In the market, some people might have more money or resources than others, which can give them an unfair advantage when it comes to buying and selling things.

That's where justice comes in. Just like your parents might help you and your friends share the toys equally, laws and regulations can help make sure that everyone has a fair chance in the market.

For example, some countries have rules to prevent companies from using unfair business practices or exploiting workers. This helps to make sure that everyone has a fair chance in the market and that nobody is taken advantage of.

So, justice and the market are like sharing toys and making sure everyone has a fair chance to play with them. It's important to make sure that the market is fair and just for everyone, so that everyone can have access to the things they need and want.