Jyoti Kalash is a traditional Indian lamp with a pot-like structure made of clay, steel, or copper. It originates from Hindu culture and is often used during special occasions like festivals and religious ceremonies.
The top of the pot is usually decorated with colorful designs or floral patterns. It has a spout-like opening where a cotton wick is inserted, that is later dipped in oil for fuel. Once lit, it produces a warm, glowing light, making any room look beautiful and calm.
The Jyoti Kalash has great significance in Hindu culture. It represents the divine energy of the goddess or the deity. Many people believe that lighting the lamp in their house can bring them good luck and keep away any negative energies.
In addition, when the Jyoti Kalash lamp is lit for prayer, it is customary to rotate the lamp clockwise three times while chanting a Sanskrit prayer. This denotes offering respect and faith to the deity.
In summary, Jyoti Kalash is a traditional Indian lamp that produces a warm, glowing light when lit using cotton wick that is dipped in oil. It is a significant part of Hindu culture and is often used during special occasions and ceremonies to bring good luck and keep negativity at bay.