ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

K Street (Washington, D.C.)

K Street is a street that goes through the heart of Washington, D.C. Think of it like the main street of your town, but for politicians and businesses. It's a really important place because it's where a lot of decisions are made about laws and government policies that affect all of us.

There are a lot of big fancy buildings on K Street that are home to powerful companies and lobbying groups. These companies and groups hire people called lobbyists to talk to politicians and try to convince them to make laws that are good for their businesses.

So, if a big company wants to make a lot of money by not paying as much taxes or by getting special treatment from the government, they might hire a lobbyist to go talk to a politician on K Street and try to make that happen.

Because there are so many lobbyists on K Street, it's become a sort of symbol for the influence of big money in politics. Some people think that the politicians who work on K Street are more interested in pleasing their big business donors than in representing regular people like you and me.

So, while K street might just seem like any other street, it's actually a place where a lot of important things happen in our government.