ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kálmán Kandó

Okay, so Kálmán Kandó was a really smart guy who lived a long time ago. He was born in Hungary in 1869 and he became an engineer. Do you know what an engineer does? They figure out how to make things work better and make new things too!

Kálmán Kandó was really good at making trains work better. Have you ever ridden on a train? They can go really fast and take you to different places. Back in Kálmán Kandó's time, trains weren't as good as they are now. They couldn't go as fast and they weren't as safe either.

But Kálmán Kandó had an idea. He wanted to make a train that was super fast and super safe. So he came up with something called an electric motor. That's like a battery that makes the train go really fast. It's much better than the old way of making trains go which was with steam. Steam is like hot water that pushes the train along, but it's not as fast.

Kálmán Kandó also came up with a way to make sure that the train wouldn't flip over if it went around a corner too fast. He made something called a "bogie". That's like a little platform that the train wheels rest on that makes it so the train stays upright.

Thanks to Kálmán Kandó, trains were able to go faster and be a lot safer. Isn't that cool? He was a really important guy who helped make trains better for everyone.