ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

KX telephone boxes

Imagine you're walking on the street and you need to make a phone call. You don't have your phone with you, and there's no one around to ask for help. But wait, there's a small booth-like structure standing on the side of the street! This is a kx telephone box, also known as a public phone booth.

A kx telephone box is a small enclosed structure that houses a payphone. A payphone is a public telephone that requires you to add coins or use a calling card to make a phone call. You need to open the door of the kx telephone box to access the payphone inside.

Once you're inside the kx telephone box, you will see the payphone. It has a keypad with numbers and other buttons that allow you to make a phone call. You can dial the phone number you want to reach by pressing the numbers on the keypad. When you're done talking, you need to deposit the required coins or use your calling card to pay for the call.

Kx telephone boxes were first introduced in the United Kingdom in the 1920s. They were originally designed to be red in color so that they stood out on the streets. However, over time, the color of the kx telephone boxes changed to a more understated silver-gray.

Today, kx telephone boxes are not as commonly used as they once were because most people have their own mobile phones. However, they can still be found on some streets and are a useful backup option in case of emergencies.