ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kahn process networks

Well, imagine you're building a big Lego castle. However, instead of just building it all at once, you decide to make smaller parts first and then put those parts together to create the whole castle. Each small part is crafted in a certain way and has a specific purpose, right?

Now, let's take that idea and apply it to making computer programs. Kahn process networks are like those smaller Lego parts that we need to create before putting everything together.

These networks allow us to create different "processes" or tasks that work together to achieve a larger goal. Each process is like a separate Lego piece that is created to perform a specific function. They can communicate with each other and pass information back and forth, just like you would talk to your friend to decide what part of the castle you are going to build next.

These processes are then assembled to create a bigger program that works together towards the ultimate objective. Much like your Lego castle, the program is built piece by piece until it is complete.

So, in short, a Kahn process network is a way of constructing a computer program by creating smaller processes that work together to accomplish a larger task.