ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kajiki, Kagoshima

Kajiki is a place in Japan, specifically in the Kagoshima prefecture. A prefecture is like a big state with its own governor and laws. Kajiki is a small town with about 9,000 people living there.

Kagoshima is a bigger area that Kajiki is a part of. It's like saying Kajiki is a neighborhood in Kagoshima. Kagoshima has a lot more people living there, around 1.6 million!

Both Kajiki and Kagoshima are located on the southern part of Japan, which means it's closer to the ocean and may have warmer weather. The people who live there love to eat fresh seafood and enjoy outdoor activities like fishing and hiking.

In Kajiki, you can visit a famous temple called Kajiki no Daikakuji. People go there to pray and learn about Buddhism, which is one of the religions in Japan.

Kagoshima is known for its active volcano called Sakurajima. It's not just any volcano, it erupts regularly and people can see it from the city! It's really spectacular but also dangerous, so people have to be careful.

Overall, Kajiki and Kagoshima are both special places in Japan with their own unique things to offer.