ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kalinga Ethnoarchaeological Project

The Kalinga Ethnoarchaeological Project is a group of grown-ups who are studying how people in a place called Kalinga, in the Philippines, live and how they use objects in their daily lives. They want to understand how things were before and how they changed over time.

To do this, these grown-ups go to Kalinga and talk to the people who live there. They ask them questions about how they use objects, what kind of materials they use, how they make it and where they get it from. They also look at how the objects are made, how they are used, and how they are kept safe.

The grown-ups then write down all the information they learn in a special book, just like how you might write about what you learn at school. They also take pictures and videos of the objects and the people using them so they can remember and show other people what they learned.

By learning about how people in Kalinga live and use objects, the grown-ups can make guesses about how other people in the past might have lived and used objects as well. This is called archaeology!