ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Kamaiyas are people who were once hired as laborers but ended up being forced to work as slaves. Imagine you are asked to do a task for someone, but after completing it, you are told that you must continue working for them forever without pay or choice. Kamaiyas were often forced to work for landlords or wealthy people in Nepal, India, and other South Asian countries. They were treated like property and had no freedom to leave or make decisions for themselves.

Eventually, the practice of kamaiya was deemed illegal in many countries, and many kamaiyas were freed from their enslavement. However, some continue to face challenges such as poverty, lack of education, and discrimination. Efforts are being made to empower kamaiya communities and help them find sustainable livelihoods. Everyone deserves the right to freedom and fair treatment, and we must continue to work towards a world where no one is forced to work as a kamaiya.
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