ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Kansas v. Hendricks

Okay kiddo, so there was a man named Leroy Hendricks who lived in Kansas. He did some bad things in the past, like hurting children, and was sent to jail.

When he was about to be released from jail, the people in charge of taking care of him thought he might still be a danger to children because he had a mental disorder that made him want to hurt them.

They didn't want to just let him go free and maybe hurt more kids, so they kept him in jail even though he had already served his sentence.

Leroy Hendricks didn't like this and said it wasn't fair because he had already paid for his crimes by being in jail.

But the people in charge said it was necessary to keep him in jail to protect the kids.

Eventually, the case went all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States, and they had to decide if it was okay to keep Leroy Hendricks in jail even though he had already served his sentence.

In the end, the Supreme Court said it was okay, because the state had a special law called the "Sexually Violent Predator Act" that said they could keep people who were likely to hurt kids in jail even after they served their regular sentence, if they had a mental disorder that made them want to do it.

So Leroy Hendricks had to stay in jail because of this law, even though he thought he had already paid for his crimes.

And that's what happened in the case of Kansas v. Hendricks, kiddo!