ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Karapan sapi

Karapan sapi is like a really fun game that people play in Indonesia. It involves cows and some brave riders who climb on top of the cows and try to hold on while the cows run really, really fast. The cows are trained for this and they have special ropes tied to their nose to help the riders hold on.

The game is very exciting and lots of people come to watch. The riders have to be very strong and brave because the cow runs so fast and they might fall off. The person who stays on the longest and goes the farthest is the winner!

It's important to remember that the cows are treated well and respected, and the game is only played by professionals who know how to take care of the cows and don't hurt them. It's just a fun sport that people in Indonesia love to play and watch.