ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, a kathisma is like a special section of a big book called the Bible. The Bible is a really important book that tells stories about God and teaches us how to be good people.

Now, this big book called the Bible is divided into lots of smaller sections called chapters. And each chapter is divided into even smaller parts called verses.

But in a special part of the Bible called the Orthodox Church, they have another way of dividing the book. Instead of chapters and verses, they have something called kathismas. Each kathisma is like a mini-chapter that tells a story or teaches an important lesson.

And when people go to church and read the Bible, they will often read one whole kathisma at a time. It's kind of like reading a storybook with lots of different chapters, but instead of calling them chapters, we call them kathismas in the Orthodox Church.

So that's what a kathisma is--just a special way of dividing and reading the Bible in the Orthodox Church.